
AntiSleep Help

version 2.15

Status Bar Item


The icon in the status bar displays the current state if you see "enabled" than AntiSleep activated and your Mac will not go to sleep, but if "disabled" than AntiSleep is not active and your Mac will soon be able to sleep.

Click Action

By default, by clicking on the icon in the status bar, a menu with settings opens. But in the settings there is the ability to set to this event the switching AntiSleep state. As a result, you get one click activation without having to go to the menu. In this case, the menu can be opened by double clicking or by pressing the right mouse button.

Silent Mode 10.12+ PRO

In this mode, the application is not visible in the status bar but it continues to work. To open the menu again you need to hold down the keys +++ (Command+Alt+Control+Shift) or double click in application icon.

Open Menu at Launch

If this option is enabled, then when the AntiSleep starts, the status bar item menu will open. If option Silent Mode is enabled then this option is activated, too.

Short Menu PRO

For ease of use, shortens the menu, leaving only the most popular items. All settings previously installed continue to work.


Prevent System Sleep

This mode prevents system sleep. When display will off then the system will continue to work. But when you close the lid of your Mac Book it will switches to sleep mode.

Prevent External Disk Sleep PRO

Prevent external disks from idling into lower power states.

Prevent Display Sleep

This mode prevents system and display sleep. But when you close the lid of your Mac Book it will switches to sleep mode and the display turns off.

Prevent System Sleep when lid is closed MacBook PRO

This mode prevents the system and display sleep when the Macbook lid is opened. When you close the Macbook lid display is turn off but the system is still working. In this mode, I recommend connecting the power adapter.


Any Timers begins to count down when user activity disappears. After any user activity, the timer is reset. If any other application in the system to prevent the screen going to sleep, timers suspended until the end of this application actions.

Deactivate Timer

With this option, you can set timer, on completion of which AntiSleep will be deactivated and Mac can again switch to sleep mode based of system settings.

System Sleep Timer

With this option, you can set timer, on completion of which AntiSleep will be deactivated and your Mac immediately switch to sleep mode.

Display Sleep Timer 10.12+

You can set timer, on completion of which display will switch to sleep mode.

Fade Display Timer

You can set timer, on completion of which the display will fade.

Screensaver Timer

You can set the timer, after which the screensaver starts.

Lock Screen Timer 10.14+

You can set the timer, after which the screen will lock.

Mouse Simulation Timer 10.14+ PRO

You can set the timer, after which the mouse actions simulation activate.


Deactivate Critical Battery Charge MacBook

This option allows you to set the critical level of battery charge. When this level is reached, AntiSleep will be deactivated and Mac can again go to sleep.

Deactivate when Disconnect an AC Power MacBook

With this option, the application will react to unplugging AC Power and deactivate AntiSleep.

Deactivate when Disconnect Wi-Fi

With this option, the application will react to disconnecting Wi-Fi and deactivate AntiSleep. In the submenu, you can select the Wi-Fi network(s) to which the application will react or select "Any Network" item for any network. And you can set the timeout after which the application will deactivate if Wi-Fi connection is not restored.

Activate when Connect an AC Power MacBook PRO

With this option, the application will react to plugging AC Power and activate AntiSleep.

Activate when Connect a Display PRO

With this option, the application will react to connecting an additional screen and activate AntiSleep.

Activate when Connect an External Disk PRO

With this option, the application will react to connecting an external disks and activate AntiSleep.

Activate when Connect to Wi-Fi Network 10.13+ PRO

With this option, the application will react to connecting to Wi-Fi network and activate AntiSleep. In the submenu, you can select the Wi-Fi network(s) to which the application will react or select "Any Network" item for any network. This can be used for example if you want the application to be auto activated only when you come to the office or home and auto connected to local Wi-Fi network.

Lock Screen when Close Lid

This option used together with the "Prevent System Sleep when lid is closed" mode to lock the screen after closing the lid for your security.

Activate at Launch

When the application starts, AntiSleep activates.

Open at Login

Automatically launches the application when you login into the system.

Hot Corners Actions

When you move the cursor to the target angle is automatically starts selected action:



Switches your Mac to sleep mode

Sleep Display 10.12+

Turns off the screen of your Mac. The system can continue its work.

Fade Display

Fade the display. The screen lights up again when the user does such actions as moving the mouse, pressing a key or the like. If the option "Automatically adjust brightness" is enabled in the system settings, the display may light up when the overall lighting changes.


Launches a screensaver.

Lock Screen

Locks the screen from unauthorized access.

Emulate Mouse Actions

Generates random mouse movements to simulate user activity.

External Disks

Unmount & Eject All External Disks

Unmount and eject all external disks if possible

Auto Unmount & Eject before Sleep PRO

If this option enabled then when Mac begin to sleep the application will automatically unmount and eject all external disk if it possible.

Apple Script

Turn On

To activate "AntiSleep", use the command "turn on", optionally you can specify one of the following modes: system, display, disk, lid

tell application "AntiSleep"
turn on mode display
end tell
Turn Off

"turn off" command disables "AntiSleep" and your Mac will now be able to sleep again

tell application "AntiSleep"
turn off
end tell

Deep Link Actions


To activate "AntiSleep", use the deep link antisleep://activate, optionally you can specify one of the following modes: system, display, disk, lid. Example: antisleep://activate/display


To deactivate "AntiSleep", use the deep link antisleep://deactivate


How do I cancel a subscription?

We offer only Non-renewing Subscriptions. This type of subscription is not automatically renewed, so users need to renew manually each time. Upon expiration, the subscription will be automatically canceled and the account will be downgrade.

I quitted the application but my Mac still can't fall asleep. Why?

After quitting of the application, it can not affect the Mac sleep in any way. Sometimes other applications such as browsers, video players or the operating system can prevent the sleep of your Mac. Close all applications that you no longer use and wait a bit. Or put it into sleep mode manually.

How do I know who prevents sleep of my Mac?

Launch (/Applications/Utilities/
Run the command pmset -g assertions
All the capabilities of the command pmset can be found by running the command man pmset in terminal

I'm trying to buy a PRO account, but something goes wrong. What could be the reason? What can be done?

There can be many reasons but the most popular reasons are:

  • Bad Internet connection
  • Incorrect payment information

Please try the following actions:

  • Check that you have a stable connection to the Internet and do not block access to the Mac App Store
  • Check that you have valid payment information, the card is not expired and the bank does not block your purchases
  • Try to restart your mac, sometimes mac app store service hangs and does not allow to make any purchases
  • Try to reinstall AntiSleep
  • If nothing helps, email to me
An error occurred during the purchase: "In-app purchase is not supported."?

In this case, you need to reinstall app. Delete AntiSleep and reinstall it from App Store again.

Do you have discounts?

YES, if you really need a discount, please send request to and I send you discount coupon.

This application is useful for you?

Please rate it in the App Store

Any questions?

Any questions or suggestions send to my email:

Thank you for using AntiSleep